Week 4: What I’m Actually Doing
March 31, 2023
Now that you all have a good idea of the current exhibit, I figured I should explain how I am getting my data. When gathering data regarding animal behavior, the traditional method is to use an ethogram. An ethogram is a chart of select behaviors that are marked at a regular time interval. The ethogram I created for this project tracks the location and action of the lemurs at thirty second intervals for fifteen minutes.
Shorthand – G (grooming), S (resting), M (moving), E (eating), NV (not visible), O (other)
With this data, I am able to determine how they use their space and their level of activity. The main factors I am looking into is the variety of furniture being used, time spent off the ground, and time spent inactive. This is how I will make my final conclusion of any changes that might have occurred after the redesign of their exhibit.