Matters Of Theology 2
May 31, 2023
Before I settled on my research topic being Witches, I did some general research about several subjects without getting too deep. I was dipping a finger into every cup so to say. One of the subjects that I researched was some connections between governments and spirituality. In another blog, I’ll write about Nazi Germany, but I’ll write about America in this one. The funny thing about having a government “made by the people, for the people” is that that government has people in it, at least I hope. People believe in a lot of strange things, and therefore the government believes in many more strange things. One of those things is psychics, “remote viewing”(Broad 1984), or people with “extrasensory perception(ESP)”(Pruitt 2019).
In 1995, the CIA released a report about the research it was leading in “remote viewing” for military and intelligence purposes, and in 2017, the CIA released about 12 million pages worth of information that wasn’t known in ‘95(Pruitt 2019). These “remote viewers”, or psychics as I’ll call them, were working with the Military or other research institutes. The Psychics would usually answer questions about people or locations with very little information. In Russell Targ’s book The Mind Race, he describes an experiment in 1976. The psychic was in California and Mr. Targ was in New York City, the psychic reported “The first image I got was of a cement depression – as if a dry fountain – with a cement post in the middle or inside. There seemed to be pigeons off to the right flying around the surface of the depression.”(Broad 1984) The test site, which was chosen only minutes before the test took place, was the central fountain at Washington Square Park. Another set of experiments written about in Ronald M. McRae’s book Mind Wars, where he writes that psychics were used for testing how well MX missiles were hidden in concrete bunkers. The experiments found “that results were positive enough to suggest increased MX vulnerability.”(Broad 1984).
Although the government acknowledged “Project Stargate” eventually, it denied it despite several leaks. As you’ve seen I have cited a New York Times article from 1984, when those books describing the experiments were published. Though to the government’s credit, there was a fear that the USSR was also conducting psychic experiments. As Charlie Rose, a North Carolina House Representative said, “It seems to be a cheap radar system, and if the Russians have it and we don’t, we’re in serious trouble.” It seems that there was a nuclear, as well as a psychic, arms race during the 20th-century cold war. Fans of Netflix’s Stranger Things serious should have the gears in their heads turning right about now.
It’s interesting that Gardner wrote about similar rituals in his books that I read in my research. In one book he wrote how to capture an angel, or “spirit”, he called them, and how to make it help you, including answering questions. In another book, he writes about Clairvoyance, which means to see things that others can’t, through magical means, so basically remote viewing. As Gerald wrote, “certain people were born with clairvoyant powers. They discovered that certain rites and processes increased these powers,” (Gardner 1954).
I’m curious to see what kind of talents or rituals these hired psychics have practiced. I’m also curious to see what else the government is denying, despite us already knowing.
Broad, William. “PENTAGON IS SAID TO FOCUS ON ESP FOR WARTIME USE.” The New York Times, 10 Jan. 1984,
Pruitt, Sarah. “The CIA Recruited ‘Mind Readers’ to Spy on the Soviets in the 1970s.” HISTORY, 4 Dec. 2019,
Weeks, Linton. “UP CLOSE and PERSONAL WITH A REMOTE VIEWER.” Washington Post, 4 Dec. 1995,
Witchcraft Today by Gerald B. Gardner, 1954
Ye Bok of Ye Art Magical by Gerald B. Gardner
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