BASIS Independent Schools set the pace of global education

When journalists describe U.S. students as academically “behind” other countries or that Singapore has one of the best education systems in the world, they are often referring to performance on the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), an exam given to students to evaluate critical thinking and application of knowledge in math, reading, and science. In order to evaluate our students’ performance in comparison to these high-performing countries, BASIS Independent utilizes the OECD Test for Schools, which is based on PISA.
Reading, and Science
Student performance on the OECD is a point of great pride for our schools. It speaks to the power of our program and the dedication of our teachers. Our schools are helping shape the future of education as our students build lasting bonds with teachers, learn at the highest international levels, and become active, contributing members of their communities.

2019-20 OECD Test for Schools (based on PISA)* Average Score in Math, Reading, and Science
Global Results
This chart offers a full data snapshot of BASIS Independent Schools 2019–20 results on the OECD Test for Schools (based on PISA 2018) compared to top performing countries around the world.
*BASIS Independent Schools compared with select participating countries. Results from all other countries and are from the 2018 PISA exam. ¹Refers to Chinese students from Bejing-Shanghai-Jiangsu-Guangdong.

2018-19 OECD Test for Schools (based on PISA)
BASIS Independent Schools results from the 2018-19 OECD Test. Country-level student performance data from PISA 2015, student-teacher relations from PISA 2012 (not measured on PISA 2015). All figures based on most current data available at time of publication.