Andrej Z. 2024 | BASIS Independent Brooklyn
- Project Title: Behind the Closed Doors of Justice: Unraveling the Dominance of Plea Bargains in the NYC Justice System Decision Making Process
- BASIS Independent Advisor: Mr. Brian Rappelfeld
- Internship Location: Defense Attorney
- Onsite Mentor: Germana Giordano, Esq.
A new study done by the American Bar Association found that around 98% of criminal convictions end in plea bargaining agreements. When someone traditionally thinks about the criminal justice system, the first thing that always comes up is criminal trials. People think about lawyers and prosecutors fighting against each other in front of a 12-man jury. The reality of the system is quite different, however. There are very few actual trials done in comparison to the number of criminals being convicted in a given year, especially in NYC where I will be focusing. My study aims at finding the root cause for this large discrepancy and misunderstanding. Additionally, I hope by reading and researching various journals I will find discrepancies and problems in the system of plea bargaining. While working at an internship in a criminal defense firm, I will be working on two major sections of the plea process. The specifics of these two sections will be creating a chart of ten example cases, outlining how they were resolved to show how prevalent pleas are in the system by random. Not only that but I will also work directly on one case in order to discuss the influences of choosing to plea. Through my research I hope to find the many reasons for why plea agreements are such a force in the NYC justice system, the problems that may arise from this decision-making process, and a possible solution to resolve these issues.