Luke D. 2023 | BASIS Independent Brooklyn
- Project Title: An Adequate and Novel Study of Phobias
- BASIS Independent Advisor: Jennifer Reyes
Fear is a universally felt emotion. Presentations of phobias are very personal and prevalent in the modern day, despite their evolutionary roots. Through my research, I am categorizing phobias into three distinct categories; evolutionarily preserved phobias, trauma-induced phobias, and those that represent a co-opting of the evolutionary fear response to more modern triggers, to which our biology would have no predisposition of fear. Additionally, I want to understand if these various phobias affect different groups of people with different severities and track what correlations may exist.
My Posts
Final Thoughts
June 19, 2023
To be one hundred percent honest, I enjoyed working on my project. For starters, I just enjoy the topic. I’ve always been interested in fear and scary things so being able to work on a project centered around it has been a dream of mine. It’s quite strange to be enjoying the process of looking […]
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Week 10
June 4, 2023
Because of the overwhelming, utterly mind-boggling indescribable success of my survey, I have had to edit my original plan. There is a large amount of overlap between the categories, and as such I have chosen to sort the responses into individual categories rather than putting each response in one specific category and limiting it to […]
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Week 9
May 27, 2023
As my time at small Brooklyn Psychology begins to come to a close, I have begun the arduous task of creating my final presentation. I plan on keeping my survey open for as long as I can so that I can get as many responses as possible. Because of this, I have held off from […]
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Week 8
May 17, 2023
Throughout the previous weeks, I have been meeting with therapists one-on-one to hear about their experiences with phobias. The general consensus is that exposure therapy is a sound clinical practice, and is often used. Exposure therapy involves gradually and systematically exposing individuals to the feared object, situation, or memory in a controlled and supportive environment. […]
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