SP Week 5 Draft
April 26, 2024
Hello, Welcome back to my blog, unfortunately, this week has seen me sick with two separate illnesses, and I have been struggling to put together research. What I have been able to accomplish this week though, was finishing my reading of Ball Four, it is an important source expect to cite in my work. While I did not get to start Nickel Dimed I was able to do more research on the state of labor relations in baseball before the advent of Moneyball. Around the time of Ball Four, the Players Union (MLBPA) began to take itself more seriously with the appointment of Marvin Miller, a famous labor leader. This appointment signaled the beginning of the Ballplayer taking his rights into his own hands, as following Millers’ installation the literacy of players increased greatly. The Drysdale-Koufax Holdout served as an epoch of this era of change, from this holdout to the Seitz decision which overturned the Reserve Clause Miller was present, also advising Curt Flood in his famous court battle with the league that ended up in the Supreme Court. The progress made during Millers’ time as the director of the MLBPA was massive, and his version of the MLBPA operated similarly to the Warren Court in terms of progressive changes serving as the basis of legislation aimed at equalizing an unequal playing field. With his reign came the establishment of MLB’s Collective Bargaining Agreement, which allowed the collective power of the MLBPA to delegate with the League to decide standards for players. The relationship has always been tense, with players and the league often going back and forth on issues, resulting in countless labor stoppages over the past 50 years. Next week I hope to be able to report on Nickel Dimed, and more on the state of low-wage labor in the US, so I can better connect it to professional baseball.
This week for my onsite placement I finished my initial research on the rankings of top MBA programs. I will now be using my data to show more, creating in-depth ROI charts, and rankings that can reflect more about the schools than what is online right now.
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