Melis O. 2024 | BASIS Independent McLean
- Project Title: The Consequences of the Price of Insulin
- BASIS Independent Advisor: Dr. Nancy Fisher
- Internship Location: Schar School of Policy and Government George Mason University
- Onsite Mentor: Dr. Naoru Koizumi
Research Question: Why is Insulin not more accessible and/or affordable in the US? Would reducing the cost of insulin provide benefits that make a significant difference in the death rate?
Diabetes is a pressing issue in our world today. Current epidemiological data revealed that 9% of adults have diabetes. It was also established that in 2012 1.5 million people had died due to the disease. Through misinformation campaigns in the media and ineffectual policy-making in favor of sugar and oil lobbyists, individuals face increasing risks for this disease. While significant time, energy, and resources are continually being put into the solution for this condition, what can and should politicians and governments do to aid the efforts of scientists, doctors, and researchers? For my project, I will be completing a statistical analysis of two relatively similar states’ policies towards diabetes treatment. Is there a statistically correlated difference in death by diabetes for the two states as a result of their public health policies? Example qualifications may be: Are there price caps on insulin? Are there any specific programs that are enhanced? Are there any research facilities that are heavily supported/funded? I will perform statistical tests with the support of Dr. Koizumi to identify if there is a statistically correlated difference in items mentioned above based on the difference in the states’ policies.