Sia A. 2024 | BASIS Independent McLean
- Project Title: Cancer Misconceptions: How Does the Media Contribute to Cancer Misconceptions Among the US Population?
- BASIS Independent Advisor: Dr. Pittman
- Internship Location: National Institute of Health
- Onsite Mentor: Dr. Hanada, Dr. Gurusamy
This research is attempting to address the problem of misunderstandings that can have many effects. They can impact consumer behaviors, resource allocation, and people’s mental health. It is focused on misunderstandings surrounding a topic that the majority of people in the US have some experience with. I will be doing research at the NIH for my project in Dr. Kenichi Hanada’s cancer research lab and get a glimpse at the experiments he works on. I also intend to interview him about his point of view on the public’s misconceptions about cancer from the point of view of someone currently involved in cancer research. I plan to use sociological research methods. I will collect statistics online and do statistical analysis. Through my internship, I will do interview research as well as learn some background knowledge on cancer and cancer research. I expect to learn about ideas relating to how we can help the American public have a better, unbiased understanding of cancer.