We extend heartfelt congratulations to our 2023 – 2024 Subject Advisor (SAD) of the Year, Mr. Grant Norcross, from BASIS Independent Bellevue! Congratulations, too, to our runners-up, Ms. Laura Butchy...

We take immense pride in the achievements of our seniors who now embark on the next phase of their exciting academic journey. As they prepare to enter the world’s top...
Thinking of a creative and unique business idea is a challenge for even the globe’s most talented and proven business professionals. Give that same challenge to a group of high...
Fall Athletics is in full action at BASIS Independent Bellevue, featuring basketball, cross country, soccer, and volleyball. The spirit of Mountaineer pride is running high as we enthusiastically support our...
Passion, Perseverance, and the Intersection of Biomedical Research & Computer Science: Meet the Winner of the 2023 Fellows Scholarship for Excellence in Senior Projects! The leaves are falling, the air...
One of the advantages of a smaller school community and faculty is having interdepartmental collaboration. Within this environment, our educators have a keen understanding of students’ needs, enabling the effective...
The National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) announced the Semifinalists in the 69th annual National Merit Scholarship Program and nearly 60% of BASIS Independent Schools Class of 2024 have been recognized...
The 2024 Niche private school rankings have been released, and BASIS Independent Schools maintains its position as a national leader in K–12 education. We are excited that our network’s campuses...
Welcome Back, Mountaineers! We hope this message finds you filled with excitement and anticipation as you return to school this fall throughout the PNW. As we eagerly embrace the return...
The last week of school means Term Project Week at BASIS Independent Bellevue! Term Project Week is an opportunity for students in all grades to work with their peers on...