Sparking new interests, uncovering hidden talents, and developing leadership skills

Our clubs and activities promote well-rounded learning, help students discover their passions, and enhance their social skills. Younger students explore new ideas, while older students become leaders, showcasing skills in interscholastic competitions. Additionally, we encourage students to take the initiative to establish new clubs that cater to their interests, which has resulted in the creation of some of our most popular clubs.
Clubs & Activities Highlights
BASIS Independent Bellevue offers a variety of club and activities for students and the list of offerings will grow each school year as our campus community grows. The list below is only a sample as our offerings change with each season, each year.
Creative Sewing
French Club
Mandarin Library
Speech and Debate
Storybook Club
World Travel Club
Yearbook Club

Java Coding
Math Mania
Math Masters
Mobile iOS App Development
Science Olympiad
Web Development
Wow Chemistry (Math)

Fine Arts Clubs
Actor’s Toolkit
Art Outside the Box
Clay Figurines
Digital Art
Illustration & Book Design
Still Life Sketch & Acrylic Painting
Watercolor and Sketch

Other Clubs
Board Game Club
Comedy Club
Cubing Club
Kung Fu
Lego Club
Mountaineer Cheer

Go Mountaineers!