Aashirya V. 2024 | BASIS Independent Fremont
- Project Title: Researching the Literacy Rates of Patients after Diabetes Education on A1C tests and Blood Sugar Levels
- BASIS Independent Advisor: Ms. Alexis Parker
- Internship Location: Washington Hospital Healthcare System
- Onsite Mentor: Mr. Shekar Srinivas
According to the National Institutes of Health, from 2016 to 2017, 25% of the patients that visited the Emergency Department were reported for coming in for diabetes-specific ED visits. With the rise in diabetes related E.R. visits, there is a need for a larger focus on a specific field of medicine, preventive medicine, which promotes preventive health care to improve well-being. The goal is to ultimately prevent disease, disability, and death. My research aims to focus on two aspects of preventive medicine, disease education programs and regular screenings. Specifically, diabetic related health literacy of diabetic patients is an essential focus in preventing further complications for diabetic patients. Diabetic related health literacy refers to the “extent to which patients with diabetes have the required skills and abilities to seek, understand, analyze, communicate, and enumerate diabetes-related information both in the healthcare environment.” After conducting comprehensive diabetes education sessions, I aim to survey diabetic patients’s comprehension of their specific cases of diabetes and factors that contribute to the exacerbation of their diabetes. I expect my findings to illustrate the effectiveness of practicing preventive medicine in a curative medicine setting. This may inform the development of the diabetes education program in the current healthcare system, equip physicians to further personalize their treatment plans, and enable them to further serve as an educator for preventive medicine.