Week 8: The wake up call
April 26, 2024
Hi curious people! I hope you all are having a good week, because I didn’t… This week was full of confusion, and a lot of that had to do with my Senior Project because we are coming close to the end of these interesting ten weeks! We had a meeting with Ms. Nagpal this week, and I realized that I really need to WAKE UP ⏰and finish this project ASAP so I can start working on my final presentation.
I was hoping for quick results, but things don’t go according to plan literally most of the time. My work this week started with me tediously clicking buttons for days. You might be wondering why. If you remember from my previous blogs, I am making an educational website with multiple data models to store my results and explain Ayurveda’s holistic process. So… yeah…. things started out pretty slow because I was figuring out how to use my template on google slides on an actual website builder, but all I found were ugly template options or websites asking me to pay a lot of money (I need to save for my college tuition). But THEN, my amazing friend Heeya Das helped me out and recommended a few websites I could use to enhance my work. So I spent most of my week on building that, and I can hopefully give my eyes a break from the screen.
Additionally, I have added a new aspect to my Senior Project! Though I can make a website and talk about Ayurveda, I wanted to have some in-person interactions with people, explaining the science and also giving them a sample of what I did in my study, as an appreciation for their time. I’ve really touched on the consumerism aspect of Ayurveda in my analysis. Think about all the products most people use after they wash their hair after using shampoo or conditioner to enhance softness and texture. These products are from expensive brands and can cost around $60 – $90 on average. However, a 84 fl oz of coconut oil costs literally $23, and it can be used around your house for not just your hair, but also cooking and other daily activities. Hence, I would like to make hair kits for Senior Citizens and give these kits out for free. I will complete this task around the last week of the project.
Thank you for your time and see you next week!
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zeyneparaci says
Website portion and planning will take a lot of your time these two weeks I am sure but hang in there! you are almost there. Resilience is the key! I love your idea of connecting this project with Senior Citizens and give back to community! Way to go!