Week 3: A Coding Break, Belly Aches, and Choices to Make
March 15, 2024
Hi friends, and welcome back! I’m honored to have you here. This week on my road to building the Yellow Jacket mental health app, I decided to take the scenic route : focusing less on coding and more on researching my next steps for the backend, which proved to be just as much fun! This included Microsoft Azure, which will not only facilitate student logins using school email IDs but also help with data protection.
Unfortunately, I fell ill yet again, with a severe case of food poisoning. Future note to self: avoid street food, no matter how tempting. With some enforced downtime, I had a lot—maybe too much—of time to myself, which led to some deep introspection.
With some college decisions already released, and more to come within the next few weeks, my mental health has been fluctuating, despite my attempts to prioritize it, and I’m not alone in this. Many of my peers are feeling the same whirlwind of emotions. That got me thinking—what if we had a whole section in the app dedicated to college applications for the guidance of all high schoolers? What could go in it?
On another note, I’m gearing up for my 22-hour journey home after an entire month abroad! It’s been a shorter update this time, but no less thrilling.
See you on the other side!
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