Anruo Z. 2025 | BASIS Independent Fremont
- Project Title: Developing and creating a means of communication through a visual language
- BASIS Independent Advisor: Ms. Sagal
People have different cultures from all over the world, but are still part of one world. We've been seeing the same world through our eyes, and what better to communicate than with what we see? The visual world is a language shared by all people capable of seeing, so a universal visual language would be achievable and useful for many situations. Such a language does exist- Blissymbols- a language where each meaning is a symbol. However, Blissymbols is held back by the abstract nature of the symbols. In response, I propose a language where as much abstraction is taken out as possible, with every meaning and every word being a complete picture, or illustration, to achieve for universality in the fullest. Although not the best language for everyday use, this language does come in handy given situations of interactions with people with little to no translation ability. Having expertise aid from Ran Mu, art teacher to varying age groups for over 15 years, I will be creating my project under her expertise in hit location Ran's Art Studio. I will first work to develop the language, making it as easily understood as possible, and then testing to see if it can truly achieve universality, where even without formally learning the language, or with very minimal learning, people would be able to easily understand the idea. The testing portion of my project will take place in Basis Independent Fremont Lower, where I will use my school's resources to test my project on children attending the school. If everything works correctly, I will have created a language that is able to transmit simple ideas past the borders of language and understanding, able to be used in situations requiring immediate communication.