Samuel H. 2024 | BASIS Independent Fremont
- Project Title: Bioassay Data Analysis Platform for Researcher Efficiency
- BASIS Independent Advisor: Dr Zeynep Araci
- Internship Location: Cataya Biotechnology
- Onsite Mentor: Yang Zhang
How do we convert raw data to a graph in the lab? There are two methods: tediously apply a bunch of formulas to your data sheet, or use a data analysis tool. Currently, data analysis tools such as MyAssays are not very customizable and require a very rigid data input and only have data analysis automation for their select assays. By using Python through Jupyter and Flask, my project aims to create a platform which is fully customizable for biological data analysis, allowing all kinds of different assays and parameters to be analyzed. I will be working with Cataya Biotechnology, first researching on my own on how assays are analyzed and learning Python skills. After this period, I will begin writing the program and testing it on various data that has had a graph generated before and comparing the results between my program and the correct graph. If I have time, I will be looking into creating a mobile version and also incorporate AI and number recognition. This project gives me the great opportunity to combine my skills from the biology lab and programming, creating a tool that can convenience many researchers in their discoveries.