Rohan D. 2025 | BASIS Independent Silicon Valley
- Project Title: Grothendieck Equivalence Classes of Fusion Categories Preserving the Group-theoretical Property
- BASIS Independent Advisor: Dr. Naor Movshovitz
- Internship Location: Indiana University Bloomington
- Onsite Mentor: Prof. Julia Plavnik, Charlotte Ann Griffin Associate Professor, Mathematics, Indiana University, Bloomington
My research will primarily involve formulating hypotheses and then proving or disproving them using formal mathematical techniques, and constructing examples and counter-examples. This will be based on study of existing research and background material in the area. My research may also involve investigating implications on adjacent fields. The outcome of the research will be mathematical claims formalized as theorems and proofs of the theorems, written up as a formal math report.
My final product will contain examples of groups for which the research question holds: any fusion category that is Grothendieck-equivalent to the group’s representations is group theoretical. Depending on my progress, it may also contain general classifications of such groups.