The high school years offer students unprecedented exposure to high-level content and the creative critical thinking opportunities typically reserved for university-level studies. Under the guidance of passionate Subject Expert Teachers...
At BASIS Independent Silicon Valley, we seek applicants who have an interest in learning at an international level, a desire to make a contribution, a willingness to work hard, and...
Every admissions season we field hundreds of questions about the admissions process, our program, the transition, student life, electives, extracurriculars, and so much more! While we are happy to speak...
At BASIS Independent Silicon Valley, we seek applicants who have an interest in learning at an international level, a desire to make a contribution, a willingness to work hard, and...
At BASIS Independent Silicon Valley, we seek applicants who have an interest in learning at an international level, a desire to make a contribution, a willingness to work hard, and...
At BASIS Independent Silicon Valley, we seek applicants who have an interest in learning at an international level, a desire to make a contribution, a willingness to work hard, and...
When families begin learning about our Early Learning and Primary programs, they often ask us the same question: “Why do you teach Mandarin to all your students?” Mandarin is a...
The Senior Project, the pinnacle of the BASIS Curriculum, is a prestigious program where students undertake an off-campus research project or internship of their choice during the final trimester of...
The Senior Project, the pinnacle of the BASIS Curriculum, is a prestigious program where students undertake an off-campus research project or internship of their choice during the final trimester of...
AP Research, taken in Grade 12, extends the work begun in AP Seminar in Grade 11 and completes the AP Capstone program. Students who complete AP Capstone and four additional...