Week 5 (4/9-4/15): Updates
April 28, 2023
Hello everyone, and welcome back to my senior project blog! For this week’s post I will be providing an update about the patients that I am working with. However, I was unable to talk to patient 4 as much as usual as she was feeling unwell.
Patient 2
This patient talked about how this past week has been going well, and he feels a lot better than when he came into the program. He stated that he has been getting more into his routine and working more with his case manager as he has a tentative discharge date at the beginning of May. He once again mentioned that writing is something that really helps him with his PTSD, mentioning the WET group and journaling talking about how although it initially feels worse, it gets better. He also mentioned how following STOP has been really helpful in getting out of an angry and depressed mindset, something that he has never done before. He has begun thinking more about his feelings and how to deal with them rather than letting them fester. His goal for next week is to finalize his plan for his move into the next program he is going to, located in Southern California.
Patient 3
This patient talked about how this past week he is feeling pretty good and is happy with where he currently is. He mentioned that it has been helpful to learn how to improve upon his communication and form a community with the others in the program. He stated that he has noticed himself becoming significantly more social than when he began the program and is looking forward to his discharge next week.
Patient 4
This patient talked about how this past week she has been feeling more tired and has low energy, talking about the highs and lows of working through traumas, citing WET group as the reason as she has begun writing about a new trauma. However, she stated that it has been really helpful to get her feelings out whether it was by talking or writing about them. Her goal for next week is to get more organized.
That’s it for this week’s post. Thank you for reading!