Week 1: Type-based Usage Weights
April 6, 2024
Hi all! This week I spent most of my time refreshing my knowledge of how to extract data in Mathematica, the coding language I plan on doing the majority of my project in. I also was looking for an on-site advisor for the project, as I didn’t yet have one and I need one to proceed with my project. Coming into school every morning for my AM AP Physics class anyways, I worked out a plan with Mr. Brauch and Mr. O for how to proceed. For the first few weeks of my project, I’ll be working with a data analyst online who has previous experience working with Pokémon-based statistics. He made the website showdowngraphs.com which I used in my senior project defense presentation. I’m going to reach out to my potential previous contacts to get a placement later on at an academic institution, like MoMATH.
Move Type Effectiveness What??
Going back to my progress from this week, I’ve detailed the slight progress I’ve made towards a “move type effectiveness value” which will function as a parameter for my planned model. The sub-subsection with the code is attached below as a PDF printout. I also attempted to extract a typing chart table from smogon.com/dex/sv/pokemon but Mathematica isn’t exactly optimized for website data scraping. I’m going to work with my on-site advisor to refine my skills in these regards. My next steps are to successfully import the typing chart assignment table for all potential Pokémon identified in the usage data and then create associations between the Pokémon names and their typing. This will be good practice for soon when I have to work with a lot more variable association in creating the statistical model, so that parameters are correctly attributed to a specific Pokémon.
Itinerary – WIP
I’m also going to work on a concrete itinerary for the future of this project; right now, I’m working towards the general idea of my project goal but am not quite sure how to get there yet. By completing this, I’ll have a clear path for how to progress in the project and seeing what variables I have to obtain, identify, and consider.
Best, Alex R.
Fig. 1: Showdown Graphs‘s display of Gouging Fire‘s most common teammates on a given turn. This is the kind of data I hope to analyze and generalize to make comprehensive. Source: senorlopez, showdowngraphs.com
https://pdf.ac/2zoJkV (PDF printout of the week’s progress in Mathematica text format)
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Alex, great job setting up your next steps for your senior project! Good luck with extracting the data and creating associations between the pokémon names and their typing. I look forward to reading about your progress in the upcoming weeks!