Week 1: Piloting, Data Cleansing, and Data Analysis
February 29, 2024
Hello everyone! Welcome to Week 1 of my project!
This week, I mainly worked on analyzing a data set we obtained from piloting peer messages regarding high school student views of cheating I compiled along with the lab from some data we collected last year through naturalistic observations in high school classrooms. We had respondents answer whether or not they agreed with the statements, how much more willing they would be to cheat if they heard that (-10 much less willing to 10 much more willing), and how common that statement was in their high school (0-100%).
We had a total of 58 responses. I created a coding scheme and coded each response of the 16 messages (8 cheating is okay (positive), 4 cheating is not okay (negative), and 4 ambiguous) we used, to one of four classifications: agree, disagree, mixed, and ambiguous. For willingness and commonality, I found the mean and median and compared them across the different messages. All messages had negative means and medians for willingness, but negative messages had much more negative willingness values than positive and ambiguous messages. Commonality had no linkage to the type of message used, most messages’ commonality was between 30 and 50%. For the most part, negative messages had much more agreement than positive messages.
I met with the rest of my lab to discuss these results and other plans for our experimentation. Using the data analyzed above, I will use factors such as commonality or varying agreement to choose 3 negative messages and 3 positive messages for the prompted conversations portion of our study that we will execute later in the year.
As for issues, there was a slight bug in our Qualtrics survey’s connection to SONA, so many respondents were unable to get credit the first time around and did the survey multiple times. To prevent double counting their results, I performed a data cleansing by only taking the earliest responses from unique IDs.
That is all for this week. Catch you all in my next post in Week 2!
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