YasHas K. 2025 | BASIS Independent Silicon Valley
- Project Title: Compact method of generating and imaging shockwaves of aerodynamic models
- BASIS Independent Advisor: Mr. Kevyn Adams
- Internship Location: Remote
- Onsite Mentor: Dr. Elizabeth K. Benitez, DR-02 USAF AFMC AFRL/RQHA
The research will be novel experiments conducted in a Mach 1.5 shock tube built in-house. Shock tubes are a type of wind tunnel that generate 10-20 ms of high-speed supersonic flow and are used to test the aerodynamic conditions of supersonic models. They consist of a) a driver tube that holds higher pressure air; b) a driven tube that holds lower pressure air, c) a test section with the model, and d) operating equipment such as vacuum pumps, measuring equipment, and remotely-operated valves. When the diaphragm between the driver and driven tube is burst, high-pressure air will run through the driven tube and strike the model. In our case, the driver tube is held at atmospheric pressure and the driven tube is depressurized. The shock tube will have a maximum operating speed of Mach 3, an outer diameter of 2.5 inches, and a length of about 18 feet. Schlieren imagery will be the primary measurement system used to collect data on the vertical displacement of the model and shockwave formations. The final product will be the completed wind tunnel, as well as graphs of these quantities against certain independent variables such as model shape, model angle, and shockwave speed.