We extend heartfelt congratulations to our 2023 – 2024 Subject Advisor (SAD) of the Year, Mr. Grant Norcross, from BASIS Independent Bellevue!

Congratulations, too, to our runners-up, Ms. Laura Butchy (Performing Arts SAD) and Ms. Sarah Morehouse (Kindergarten Civics, History & Science and Mathematics SAD)!

The SAD of the Year is a celebration and greater recognition of all the work our Subject Advisors (SADs) do, including providing template syllabi for teachers, creating assessments, collaborating with SETs across the BASIS Independent School network, and working incredibly hard to build subject mastery for each of our students.
“Subject Advisors are wonderful at what they do,” expressed Ms. Linda Louis, Senior Director of the BASIS Curriculum. “It is important to acknowledge the myriad ways they impact our network and to give teachers the opportunity to reflect on how much their work has been positively shaped by their SADs.”
The role of a Subject Advisor (SAD): curriculum and community
BASIS Curriculum Schools have a Subject Advisor for each required course and some electives, all the way from STEM Discovery in PreK to Capstone courses for seniors. A SAD is first and foremost a classroom teacher; experienced BASIS Curriculum Schools teachers apply to take on the SAD role and become extensions of the BASIS Curriculum Team. SADs are responsible for updating the curriculum and refining vertical alignment annually, this task involves looking beyond their classroom experiences, seeking input from teachers across the network of BASIS Independent and International Schools, incorporating insights from assessment data, and considering ongoing conversations in their fields.
The power of a network, leveraged by Subject Advisors
Throughout the year, SADs prompt discussion among teachers of their course(s) and provide valuable guidance to teachers in monthly forums. Teachers can share advice on pedagogy, assessments, and classroom activities, and request resources or assistance. SADs also host network-wide meetings over Zoom throughout the year to cultivate a community of colleagues. Their role in shaping learning outcomes and facilitating opportunities for professional growth and development ensures continuous improvement in the educational experience provided to students.
How SADs are nominated
Teachers across our network were asked to nominate their SAD in an anonymous, voluntary survey. The BASIS Curriculum Team reviewed all entries, carefully considering responses on several critical topics from academic support to community-building and more. Testimonials from advisees about how enthusiastic, helpful, and knowledgeable their SADs are made the decision to choose the winners extremely difficult!
Writes one of Mr. Norcross’s advisees: “I am nominating Grant Norcross because I believe that his approach to teaching math is exceptional, and he has done an amazing job working with us to help us understand our goals while still recognizing the rigor associated with the curriculum.”
Says another advisee: “As a new teacher at BASIS Curriculum Schools, Grant’s resources were very helpful to get started, to have an in-depth idea of the curriculum and possible approaches. He communicated with us often and was very quick to respond after any questions or issues. I felt I had someone who I could reach out to at any point, and I found his comments on my syllabus and other resources useful.”
We are incredibly grateful to our exceptional Subject Advisors for their hard work and dedication. Congratulations on the completion of another school year!
SAD Celebration
To celebrate Mr. Norcross and his achievements the BASIS Curriculum Team supplied a staff breakfast for his campus. BASIS Independent Bellevue Head of School, Dr. Elizabeth Thies, commented, “He is not only an exceptional teacher to the students at our campus, but a stand-out teacher mentor across our network!”